Give — Hands at Work in Africa


The heart of Hands at Work is to mobilize the African church to reach the continent’s most vulnerable children, to reach 100,000 orphaned and vulnerable children that would otherwise not be reached.

Be a part of helping us achieve this goal.

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The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been plagued by decades of war.The north-eastern province around the city of Goma has continued to experience the constant threat of rebel attacks and war. The level of violence has increased over recent months, affecting communities where Hands at Work serves, resulting in children and their families having to flee their villages for their own safety.

Hands at Work has a local team on the ground in Goma who are directly responding to this crisis, working around the clock to ensure the children and their families have a safe place to shelter and providing the essentials of daily meals and basic healthcare. The faithful volunteer Care Workers in each of the communities continue to risk their own safety to ensure the children are protected and cared for.

Be a part of helping us bring relief to the most vulnerable children and communities directly impacted by crises like this.


Share with your friends and family about these precious lives and, together, make a commitment to give. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Learn more about how Hands at Work is making a difference.

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