Our Vision, Mission, and Values — Hands at Work in Africa


We envision the local Church in Africa effectively caring for the orphaned, the widowed and the dying, and unified in this mission with the Church outside Africa.


Our mission is to, through relationship with the local Church in Africa, challenge, encourage, develop and support the ministry of servanthood among those in need in their community through the replication of the Hands at Work community intervention model.

We believe the biblical mandate to care for the orphaned, the widowed and the dying is not only for the Church in Africa, but also elsewhere, and Hands at Work will be a prophetic voice to the Churches outside Africa, challenging them to fulfill their mandate.

Our Core Values

Since the very beginning, Hands at Work has been governed by its core values. They help shape our culture and define our character. They guide how we behave and make decisions.  The following list represents what is truly important to us as an organisation.  As Hands at Work we are committed to:

Loving God and our neighbour

Reaching the poorest of the poor

Living servant-hood

Supporting local community ownership

Valuing relationships

Prioritising God, family then ministry

Being accountable

Giving freely

Through the years these simple yet invaluable principles have guided our decision making process as well as helped form the foundation on which we build our work.

Our Statement of Faith »