Volunteer — Hands at Work in Africa

Hands at Work is seeking volunteers to join our ministry in Africa, in scaffolding, supporting and growing capacity in our long-term local teams as they mobilise and equip the local Church in the poorest of the poor communities across Africa to care for the most vulnerable children and build resilience in their families. Volunteers of varied backgrounds and ages from around the world comprise the Hands at Work family. Committed to building upon Hands at Work's strong foundation of local community ownership, volunteers strive to empower local volunteers to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable children living in over 70 of the poorest of the poor communities across eight African countries.

Hands at Work invites you to consider investing a year of your life serving the local church and the most vulnerable children across Africa. Come with an open heart and a willingness to learn and serve in whatever way is needed. You will serve alongside other Hands at Work volunteers in supporting the local volunteers as ‘scaffolding’: a temporary but essential tool in building a structure and leaving it stronger than upon arrival.

“Before coming to Hands at Work, I feel like I lived a very selfish existence. It was all about me. I wasn’t helping anyone. I wasn’t prepared to part with $5 to help someone else because it meant less in my pocket. I struggled with that and I didn’t know it at the time, but what I realised is that Hands at Work gave me that opportunity to be open towards God and I realise as I look back, how empty I felt in my heart, and now I feel filled and whole. I’ve been given purpose and a direction in focusing on the most vulnerable and dedicating my life to that. I’ve abandoned my job, our home and our cars. I left that all behind to be doing this and I feel way more fulfilled here than I ever had in my life. I’m finding my purpose that God intended for me. I feel so fulfilled now in having that relationship with Him.”
— Tyler Ralph, International Volunteer (Canada)


Upon arriving in Africa, you will participate in an orientation period led by Hands at Work volunteers.

Upon arriving in Africa, you will participate in an orientation period led by Hands at Work volunteers. Throughout orientation there will be classroom sessions discussing Hands at Work’s vision, mission and model of care, as well as sessions that dig into God’s heart for the vulnerable and how He calls us to respond as His children. In addition to those sessions, significant time will be spent in the communities where Hands at Work is serving. It is here that you will have the privilege of spending time with Care Workers, Primary Caregivers and children as you grow in your understanding of Hands at Work’s model of care.


As the orientation period finishes, each volunteer will be placed in a role with one of the local Hands at Work teams across Africa.

As the orientation period finishes, each volunteer will be placed in a role with one of the local Hands at Work teams across Africa. This will be a ‘scaffolding’ role where you will support and lift the hands of the local leaders around you. This ‘scaffolding’ could include things like basic bookkeeping, organisation, supporting the management of projects, writing and reporting, administrative tasks or praying with local volunteers and encouraging them with your presence and support. 

“I’ve seen God bringing healing and restoring in the lives of our children, of our Gogos, of our Care Workers, and there is nothing better than watching someone who has experienced so much pain in their life, taste and see that God is good and experience His love. You can see the healing and transformation on their face. Even seeing some of the young people come to the Hands at Work base in South Africa; as we got to talk about God’s love, as we got to go deeper into his word about it, you could see the youths’ faces transform before your eyes, as they realised, “I’m loved.””
— Kara McLaughlin, International Volunteer (Australia)

Phases of Volunteer Role

PREPARATION | The Hands at Work International Office will support preparation prior to departure with initial training and logistics, including advising in travel arrangements, fundraising, and visa and work permits.

ORIENTATION | The volunteer will participate in an orientation period which will be practical and based on gaining first-hand experiences in the field to learn and understand the Hands at Work model of care. Volunteers will be living with and working as part of a community of international and national volunteers, where regular spiritual rhythms help in community integration and faith development.

LEARN & SERVE | Volunteers will be placed in a role supporting the local Hands at Work offices. Here volunteers will be supported and coached by long-term volunteers and leaders as the volunteer slowly learns and serves within the role. Volunteers will be placed in a small group which will be their primary source of pastoral care, and will receive ongoing emotional support and spiritual encouragement from Hands at Work in Africa and the sending International Office.

DEBRIEF & DISCERNMENT | As the first year winds up, there will be a formal debrief and discernment process where Hands at Work and the volunteer will discern the possibilities of furthering or extending the volunteer opportunity.

START DATE | Flexible

COST | Approx. $750 USD per month for living, plus flights and travel costs (from home country to Africa in addition to travel across Africa)

LOCATION | South Africa and/or Zambia

COMMITMENT | 1 year minimum, with an openness to 2 years

For further information about and to set up a meeting to discuss this volunteer opportunity, please connect with your local Hands at Work office:

United Kingdom