Hands at Work UK - Give Monthly

Please help us to bring hope to as many children as possible in the communities we serve in Africa.

Our support for the communities aims to give vulnerable children access to three essential services: basic health care, food and education, delivered by the local African church.

Support for one child is approximately £20 a month. Your generosity will make a tangible difference to the lives of the children in some of Africa’s poorest communities.

If you would like to set up a monthly donation, or give a one-off donation, you can do so using the details below.

Standing Orders and bank transfers
TSB Bank plc
Halesowen Branch
Sort code: 30-93-75
Account number: 01054895
IBAN code: GB82TSBS30937501054895
Reference: 3ES (if there is a specific community you wish to support, please include the name here)

Cheques by post
Hands at Work in Africa UK
36 Highbridge Road
Sutton Coldfield
B73 5QB

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim an additional amount back for your donation through Gift Aid. Please download and return the form below.

If you have any questions about giving, or would like information about other ways to give, please email us at give@uk.handsatwork.org.

Please note that if a reference hasn’t been included, we will direct your donation to the highest need.