Day 6 - Childhood Marriage

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” - Deuteronomy 31:8

In the poorest of the poor communities, it is not uncommon for girls as young as 12 years old to be given in marriage. In some situations, this occurs when families are financially desperate and in others it’s because of a cultural expectation that girls should get married young. Pray for our African leaders to be courageous in running towards the problem and speaking on behalf of our girls. Pray that they will be bold in sharing the gospel. Pray for each young girl who has been and still is a victim to childhood marriage. Pray that they will experience the love of Christ and the freedom that only He can bring.

Rebecca is pictured back left

Across Africa, there are men and women committed to speaking into the cultural practice and dangers of girls marrying at a young age. Kupa Kwashe, Hands at Work Leader from Zimbabwe, shares a story of Rebecca*, a girl in Mozambique and how the Care Workers and the local Hands at Work team in Chimoio, Mozambique, fought to ensure that she didn’t enter into childhood marriage.

“Rebecca grew up living in Matsinho Community with her grandmother and three siblings. She was one of our children coming to the Care Point. As Rebecca got older, the Care Workers started hearing that she was entering into unhealthy lifestyles and were concerned for her wellbeing. They heard that she had entered into an early marriage with another young man from the community. Understanding the dangers of early marriage, the Care Workers and the Chimoio team went to talk with Rebecca and her grandmother. Speaking out of love and concern, they shared how Rebecca was too young to be married and needed to go back to school. Rebecca understood the message and what was being shared. She went back to school and even started coming back to the Care Point. We are grateful because she took our advice and waited until she was 18 to get married.”


Day 5 - Traditional Healing and Stigma

So also, you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. – John 16:22

For years, illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, cholera and typhoid have been greatly stigmatised. Whilst some families are able to get medical care for their illnesses, many families are discouraged from seeking medical care because of cultural practices of certain religious sects. Pray that these families will know the truth of Jesus and have the courage to get the medical care that they desperately need. For those who have been rejected and cast aside from their community, pray that they will experience peace and the unconditional love of Christ.


Day 4 – His Story

Tell Archippus: “See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.” - Colossians 4:17

Our God is a God of hope. Across Africa and around the world, there are thousands of children who are living in fear and have no hope for their future. Daily, they experience the trauma of hunger, abuse, war, sickness and pandemics such as COVID-19, and the breaking down of families. But God has not forsaken them. He has called together His body to bring hope to the hopeless. Pray for this hope to be known by everyone!


Day 3 – My Life

I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me. They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So, they began this good work. – Nehemiah 2:18

Over the years, men and women from around the world have answered the call to serve the most vulnerable alongside George and Carolyn and Hands at Work. Each one of us is a part of this, whether it is your first time joining us for 40 Days of Prayer, you’ve come on a team, are part of a partner church, volunteer your time in your home country or have committed your life to serving in Africa. We all have a story to tell. Today, spend time reflecting on your life. Thank God for His faithfulness. Pray for a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and a willingness to see and hear all that He wants to show you.

My Life: Joyce, a Care Worker in Malakota Community, Zambia

“I became a Care Worker because that’s what God calls us to do. Many children have no mother or father. I want to comfort them. It is good to be Jesus’ servant.”


Day 2 – Our Journey

But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. – Isaiah 43:1

30 years ago, God called George and Carolyn Snyman, co-founders of Hands at Work, out of their ordinary lives and into the unknown of serving the most vulnerable and knowing them by name. Ten years later, Hands at Work was started. Mwete represents these children. As we begin 40 Days of Prayer, reflect on Mwete’s story and other children who you know by name. Praise God that each child is known by name and has been seen by Care Workers. Pray that they will know God’s love and will experience a sense of belonging and hope for their future.

As the Snyman’s conviction grew, so did their unsettledness. They soon realised that the trajectory of their privileged lives could never accommodate a response to the poor and destitute. “We realised that everything that seemed to give us security, were the very things that kept us away from dealing with the poverty,” George says.

Read more about George and Carolyn's journey that lead them to starting Hands at Work:
