KONY 2012 — Hands at Work in Africa

KONY 2012

Last week we saw an amazing video going viral within days across the globe.  Of course I am referring to the “Kony2012” video. Though I don’t know Invisible Children and can’t comment on them as an organisation,  I want to use the opportunity to communicate something that excited us about the video.

Hands at Work’s message has always been a simple one directed at everyone who came to visit us in Africa and who met the children, grannies and care workers. Like these grannies and care workers, you can make a difference! You have a unique fingerprint and circle of influence. All you have to do is to use what is placed in your hands already. When I watched this video I was struck by this truth and the simplicity of it.

An apparently ordinary man from the US visited Uganda, and he met a specific child whose message challenged him to the core. When he heard the message he had no solution, and all he could say was, “I will not leave it. I will do something.”  He made a decision that it is not ok to just continue with his life as before. Each of us has experienced a similar moment of meeting children in Africa. We all know names and stories which have the power to change our lives and others around us The size of the impact you make is not the issue here, but rather the fact that you do something which what you’ve been given. If you watch the Kony video you will also see that he used ordinary things that were available to everyone. We were so encouraged by this video and want to encourage you also. We live in an age where communication is possible on many levels and we have amazing tools. The key tool you have is you know children by name!

The very first video we ever made at Hands at Work said this: “We want to reach 100 000 orphaned and vulnerable children and we want to reach them one by one.” Keeping that in mind, let this Kony2012 video be an encouragement to use our influence wherever we can. Thank you for standing together with us!

George Snyman
