Stories — Hands at Work in Africa

Hands at Work in Africa

The Gift of a Goat

The Gift of a Goat

In the communities where Hands at Work serves, a goat can be an important resource for a family; they are resilient and reproduce quickly, often having up to six kids annually. As Care Workers look after their goats and watch their goat family grow, they are essentially creating a ‘bank account’ of goats that they can sell and use the profits earned to purchase basic items for their families.

Trust the Lord

Trust the Lord

“I’ve done many Maranatha Workshops and been to Chilabula many times and even done one in Chilabula before and not seen the fruit. We needed to depend on God, not on our own knowledge. We prayed for weeks ahead of time. We even delayed the start of the workshop so we could have more time to pray…”

Meet Lina

Meet Lina

The community of Katembe is located in the mountains, several hours from any medical facilities. By God’s grace, Lina’s mother, with support from strangers, managed to get to a clinic where they did an emergency caesarean section. Though Lina survived, her mother did not have the capacity to care for her daughter on her own, resulting in a quick decline in Lina’s health

Meet Naomi and Miriam

Meet Naomi and Miriam

Eventually, word spread throughout the community about Naomi and Miriam’s situation and so Care Workers from the Pfunani CBO visited them in their home. Hearing their story, they invited the girls to begin attending the Care Point.

Perfect Love that Drives out Fear

Perfect Love that Drives out Fear

Across Africa, the idea of ‘social distancing’ is foreign, as relationships and social interaction are an integral part of the culture – which can be seen in families and in the interactions of people at the local marketplace. Together, these challenges have filled our Primary Caregivers, Care Workers and children with anxiety about what tomorrow will hold and a fear of the unknown.

Making it Personal

Making it Personal

Acting with concern and compassion, Rashid raised his hand and said he would bring Sara home. One Saturday morning, Rashid woke up early and left the house at 4am. Using several different taxis and motorbikes, he headed into the mountains and forests in the general direction he had been told.

Images of Hope

Images of Hope

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” 1 Peter 1:3-5

Meet Clement

Meet Clement

In early 2015, while visiting children on Holy Home Visits, Care Workers came across Clement and his siblings once again. The children were begging for food and the four of them looked malnourished and unwell. The loving Christ-like hearts of the Care Workers compelled them to follow the children back to their home and find out more about their situation.

Meet Xiluva

At 10 years old, Xiluva* has faced challenges that no child should ever have to face. When her father passed away in 2010, Xiluva was living with her mother and three siblings in Mudzidzi, Mozambique. When her mother remarried in early 2016, she took the children to the community of Macadeira and abandoned them with their ageing grandmother, Orpa*. Xiluva’s world fell apart.