Expanding the Work in Zambia
- The Luanshya team is casting vision in 14 new communities in 2009. Please pray that God will connect the team to the right people, people with servant hearts in each community, and that because of this, many more orphaned and vulnerable children will receive home visits from community volunteers who can love and care for them.
- The Luanshya team recently moved into a new office. Please pray that the infrastructure can be put into place to improve communication and make a place where the staff is bettered with a healthy environment.
- Kabwe service center will be hiring an administrator in June 2009, pray that God brings the right person to join the team.
- The service center is in desperate need of a vehicle, please pray that we can find a reliable vehicle for a good price and that the money will be enough.
- Kabwe service center is also hosting four teams in June and July 2009. Please pray for their safety and for God to reveal himself in a new way in their time in Kabwe.
- The development of an agricultural project to support feeding OVC.
- And also the mobilization of people in the village of Manjanja to care for the vulnerable in their community.