24 hours of Prayer
We would like to invite you to join with us in a prayer this weekend. We feel God at this time calling us to reflection, restoration with him and a time of refining. We are gathering together for a time of prayer and fasting starting on this Friday, September 18 at 19h00 and end on Saturday, September 19 at 19h00. We would love for you to partner in prayer with us wherever you are as we: Prepare Our Hearts to Meet Our King!
We would like to share in this with you through our website where we will have scriptures to reflect on as well as an area for you to communicate with us on what God is revealing to you!
Listen to this message from George (mp3 file) and be expectant for what He has to show us through this time!
It's begun! We have just finished a communal time together of worship and sharing to kick off this 24 hours of prayer and fasting. Thank you to those who sent messages. I will share tomorrow morning. Now we invite you to share here to the broader community by commenting on this post and revealing to all of us what God is doing in our midst!
We have set up prayer stations, grouped in three areas that we felt God inviting us to:
Reflect (download stations)
Restore (download stations)
Refine (download stations)
Feel free to download the texts for our stations. Do them in any order you feel led. We are!