Prayer for Peace during D.R.C. Elections
Hello friends,
We would like to ask you to join with us in prayer for Democratic Republic of Congo today, their election day.
Violence is expected and poorest most vulnerable always suffer the most.
Please pray for the communities we work in, especially the most at risk in the Goma area in Eastern DR Congo where rebels are ready at any spark of conflict.
Henri Ladyi, director of the Centre Resolution Conflits in DR Congo, was quoted by the The Observer in London as saying: ''The election motivates many people and many armed groups to go back to using guns as a way to try and gain power
Read more about the elections in DR Congo here.
Thank you for lifting up the most vulnerable with us at this time. We pray for peace—the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding and brings about an outcome that could only be God.
Hello friends,
Here is an email from Erick in the Democratic Republic of Congo to inform your prayers. Election results are said to be announced on December 6th, although many opposition leaders have called for a cancellation due to widespread rigging.
Email from Erick:
Hi friends, I felt to update you on the current situation in the DRC during this time since I know you are earnestly praying for us daily.
A week before the elections the dollar rate dropped down from 900fc/$ to 750fc/$ making the situation in the country so complicated. No one knows the reason why and everyone has to wait till the announcement of the elections to see how far things will move.
We had our elections on the 28th of November but tensions were recorded everywhere in the country. And a rumour of fraud is making things worse and already a cold war is starting in the hearts of local people in Katanga region. This is reminding me of how the civil war broke in 1992 in this region again and lots of people were killed. The situation is not too well after all the things which happened during election day.
A couple of days before the elections a vehicle was stopped on Kasumbalesa road,the way to the Zambian boarder. People with guns coming out from the big bush along the road were asking the passengers who they will have to vote. Those who said they would vote for Kabila were stripped, beaten to death and some killed. There are alots of scenarios happening here this time as you can get some news on Internet and radio broadcasting. No one feels secure to travel long distances or to walk in the night freely. The situation is not promising because people were firstly stressed because of the drop of dollars and now the tension of violence is bringing more stress. Soldiers are spread everywhere for security but people dread them the most because everyone is looking for a way to plunder his neighbour!
The election results will be announced on 6th. Who will win between Kabila and Tshisekedi? How will be the DRC situation after the proclamation of results? Already there are differents views of violence no matter who will win. This may bring a bloodshed chaos between people because of each one's conviction. We dread the worse but we trust God to see us through in this kind of situation because our people have suffered alot and blood was shed many times in such periods! Please continue to pray for us and the children in DRC so that peace and justice may prevail no matter the outcome results of the elections.
Thanks and regards,
Rom 13:1-7 “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
- Ask God in His wisdom to reveal and appoint the leaders He approves of and who will best serve God’s purposes for Democratic Republic of Congo.
Deu 1:15 “So I took the heads of your tribes, wise and knowledgeable men, and made them heads over you, leaders of thousands, leaders of hundreds, leaders of fifties, leaders of tens, and officers for your tribes.”
- Pray that leaders of wisdom and understanding will be raised up to lead Democratic Republic of Congo as a nation in righteousness and justice.