40 Days of Prayer 2014
Prayer for Africa’s vulnerable children & Hands at Work in Africa
March 12 – April 20
My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place – 2 Chronicles 7:15 (NLT).
God promises to hear our prayers. Join the Hands at Work family around the world as we pray for 40 Days on behalf of the most vulnerable children in Africa, and our work to support them. As the body of Christ, we commit to coming together to intercede and bring hope to the hopeless.
Download the 40 Days 2014 Prayer Guideand join our 40 Days 2014 online event to receive expanded content on our prayer points including additional scripture, photos & videos.
Clinton Wood volunteers with Hands at Work in our Australia office. Last year, he participated in 40 Days of Prayer with his church. He then travelled to Zambia where he personally experienced the physical, emotional and spiritual poverty of the most vulnerable children, and the support Hands at Work is providing to bring them hope.
"What a privilege it is to share in Hands at Work’s 40 Days of Prayer! In 2013 I was able to deeply personalise my prayers. I was blessed to visit Rimos in Mulenga Zambia, the child we prayed for on Day One. Experiencing his lost-ness left me groaning in desperation to our Father of the Fatherless on his behalf. Let us pray passionately for the most vulnerable children, and praise God for our volunteers and Care Workers!" - Clinton