40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 23 — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 23

Week 4 - Hands at Work in Africa

As volunteers walking each day to bring hope to the homes of the most vulnerable children, our Care Workers find some children living alone and some living with grandparents who are overwhelmed as they try to care for these children in their poverty. Pray for each Care Worker to have renewed faith in the good news they bring each day. Pray for each grandparent to find support, friendship, and relief in the Care Workers who help care for their children. 

God's Healing in Zambia

Care Workers at Baraka Community Based Organisation in Zambia have been deeply encouraged by walking in their community and visiting the most vulnerable people in their homes. They experienced pain and brokenness but they also see hope! As part of our Maranatha Workshops, Care Workers spend a day focused on learning the importance of listening to the Holy Spirt during their home visits. Care Workers have put this into practice and returned with a powerful testimony.

“There was deep brokenness in a family we visited. The daughter had attempted to end her life, the father was intending to harm another person and the mother had abandoned the family. After hearing this, we started to minister to the family. The women spent time praying and encouraging the daughter and the men did the same with the father. After praying, the daughter knelt before her father asking for his forgiveness. He immediately forgave her and asked for her forgiveness in return. As we sat together, a sense of peace flowed through their restored relationship.”

The Care Workers experienced God’s continued healing in this family. Later they learned that on that same day they visited, the mother returned home. Faith was renewed in our Care Workers as they witnessed God move so powerfully. Each day our Care Workers now go out with a renewed spirit to bring hope, support and relief to the homes of the most vulnerable.

Learn more about our Maranatha Workshops