12 Days of Prayer - Day 1 - Australia
Sunday, December 13th, 2015
Hands at Work Australia Office
Praise Points
We praise God for the long-term volunteers who committed to serve in 2015 from Australia. We also thank Him for the teams and visitors God sent to Africa to visit and be an encouragement in the communities we support.
We thank God for existing partners and advocates who have generously given financially to support our children. Sufficient funds have been given to cover all 2015 Hands Australia project commitments because of partners and individuals who have sacrificially given.
Hands Australia was greatly encouraged by George Snyman’s (Co-founder of Hands at Work) visit earlier this year. He was able to spend time building relationships with those he met, and challenge and encourage churches in Australia.
Prayer Points
Praise God for the Board and Management Team He has provided Hands Australia with, and the hours they voluntarily give to advocate for our children. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance to be upon them as they seek God’s plans for 2016. Ask God to raise up willing volunteers to join the Management Team in specific roles and that these teams would work together in unity.
Pray God would raise up more volunteers to serve long-term in Africa. Pray the sending churches would be involved and willing to encourage and walk with the volunteers they send.
Pray for God to lead us to new partners, as well as strengthen existing partners. Pray these relationships will grow strong and churches would desire to more send teams to Africa. As Hands Australia desires to send more teams to Africa next year, pray each member will be impacted their time, and grow in their relationship with Jesus.