12 Days of Prayer - Day 5 - Canada
Thursday, December 17th, 2015
Hands at Work Canada Office
Praise Points
We thank God for His continued provision in sending committed, long-term Canadian volunteers to serve in strategic roles across Africa
Praise be to our Father for the funds enabling Hands Canada to support thirteen communities across Africa, as well as additional projects and volunteers serving in Africa.
We thank God for raising up committed individuals within Canada to share our Biblical mandate with their local churches and communities to advocate for and support the most vulnerable children in their own communities and in Africa.
With much thanksgiving for God’s provision, Hands Canada’s team as grown extensively over the past year, enabling us with opportunities to grow and expand our team across Canada. Many Hands Canada volunteers attended a Celebrations event, led by Lynn and Jayme.
Prayer Points
Pray God would take each partner, advocate, and Hands Canada volunteer deeper into His heart as they seek guidance and strength in serving the most vulnerable both in Africa and in their own backyards.
Stand with us as we continue to ask for God’s help in fostering caring communities of growth across the country.
As Hands Canada is facing a time of transition as they grow, pray God would carry the team through this time of change.