12 Days of Prayer - Day 7 - Swaziland — Hands at Work in Africa

12 Days of Prayer - Day 7 - Swaziland

Saturday, December 19th, 2015


Praise Points

We thank and praise God for raising up new Care Workers from the local church in Swaziland, who have stepped up and are striving to live out their calling for caring for the most vulnerable children in their communities.

Praise be to God for Care Workers in our communities who have a deep passion and hunger to know God more, and are seeking God with the support of the Hands local office.

Beginning earlier this year, 50 of the most vulnerable children in Msengeni Community now receive access to a hot, nutritious meal five days a week, access to education, and basic health care. 50 of the most vulnerable children in Bhandeni Community receive one meal a week, along with access to education and basic health care.

A NEW Hands local office on the border of Swaziland has been established to ensure better support to our Care Workers and communities in Swaziland.

Prayer Points

Pray for God’s continued guidance in raising up local leaders within our communities.

Pray for wisdom as the Hands local office disciples Care Workers as they have expressed a desire to know and learn more about Jesus.

Pray for strength and comfort for Nesta, a leader in the Hands local office, as her husband recently passed away. Pray for the Regional Support Team as they walk with her in this time of grief.

We need much discernment as the Hands local office has recognized the need to expand into more Swaziland communities, as so many of the surrounding communities are desperately vulnerable. Pray for God to show us the way forward, discerning which communities are most in need of the support of the local office.
