Prayer Requests - July 2015 — Hands at Work in Africa

Prayer Requests - July 2015

Greetings in Jesus’ Name,

By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope – Ephesians 3:20

Please pray with us
Youth Leaders
Pray for Youth Leaders from communities Hands at Work is supporting in South Africa and Zambia in. These youth recently attended weekend workshops facilitated by Hands at Work regional and local leaders, focusing on the healing love of Jesus and how transformation in the lives of the youth can bring transformation to the communities they live in.
Pray the Youth Leaders will deeply understand the unconditional love of God, and from that love, reach out to serve their peers and other vulnerable people in their communities. Pray for those who have recently accepted Christ to remain committed to this decision for their lives. Pray their life choices will be influenced by the truth they have found in the gospel. Pray for each Youth Leader to depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and continue to trust Him to heal their past hurts.
Pray the Youth Leaders will take their example from Jesus as servant-hearted and compassionate members of their community. Pray they will take ownership and responsibility, committing to support local volunteer Care Workers in creating safe and welcoming Care Points in the midst of their vulnerable neighbourhoods.
Care Workers
Pray for local volunteer Care Workers, from local churches in the most vulnerable communities, who have stepped up as leaders among their fellow Care Workers. Many are leading weekly meetings among Care Workers during a time to share their lives with one another. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide each one leading these times together and to break through in the lives of those who need healing from trauma. Pray each Care Worker will find a deep understanding of how to care and serve one another with love, leading them to bring this same love to the most vulnerable children and caregivers in their communities.
Learn more about how Hands at Work is currently focused on discipling our Care Workers; striving to provide them with an understanding of the unconditional love and healing that comes through Jesus. 
Workshop in South Africa
Pray for a Maranatha Workshop being facilitated in the community of Welverdiend in South Africa this week. This workshop brings together Care Workers, Primary Caregivers, and children. Pray they will experience God’s love and forgiveness in a way that will heal any broken relationships, and unite families and the community in caring for one another.
Pray for each Primary Caregiver to feel a part of the Care Points where Care Workers and children gather daily. Pray they will know they are welcome and invited to be a part of deepening relationships with their children.

Pray for the regional and local Hands at Work leaders leading sessions during the week-long workshop. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak through them!
Be Blessed in Jesus’ Name,
