Prayer Requests - December 2016 — Hands at Work in Africa

Prayer Requests - December 2016

Prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. 

- Ephesians 6:18 (MSG)

Join us in Prayer this month for:

Matsinho Community have just received their first good rainfall in the last 2 days. Not many people had planted yet, but are planning on planting today and tomorrow.
Pray for those planting seeds and for the upkeep and care of the crops
Pray that there will be more rain so these crops can grow
The Department of Agriculture has been helping families with planting. Please pray for continued good relationships between them as they work together.

There has been a little rain in the last week, so some crops are beginning to sprout, however, in order for them to grow properly and successfully, much more rain is needed
Pray for continued rain and for those looking after the crops
Pray for Bhandeni, Msengeni and Shoka Communities as daily access to clean drinking water is a struggle

Thank you all for praying with us this year.
Listen to a special Christmas message just for you!

God's Blessings, Oumie
