Day 9 – Climate Change — Hands at Work in Africa

Day 9 – Climate Change

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. – Hebrews 10:23

Over the last several years there has been an increase in natural disasters and extreme weather events. Without the support infrastructure in place, and with little means to gain additional security, the most vulnerable are most affected when a crisis comes. Pray for each person who has been impacted by these crises. Pray for Hands at Work to continue to find creative ways to build resilience and self-sustainability in our communities, so that when a crisis comes they are better equipped to withstand it.

In February, many areas in Southern Africa experienced high winds and heavy rainfall. In Zambia, the Kabwe and Chisamba regions were hit very hard. There has been significant damage caused to a number of homes within the communities where Hands serves. In some cases, homes collapsed in the night, leaving families with nowhere to go. Mary, pictured here, is the Primary Caregiver for one of these families in the Chisamba region.

When the local Hands at Work team in Chisamba, alongside the Regional Support Team and the Care Workers, began walking in the community, they discovered that there were families whose homes were in danger of collapsing.

Mary’s home was one of those homes. What had been a small crack in her mud-brick home was getting worse as the rains came down. Care Worker Brenda came to check on Mary and her family and invited them to come and stay in her own home for a few nights, out of concern that Mary’s house would collapse.

The next morning, when they returned to Mary’s house, the roof had caved in and one of the walls had crumbled in the night. It was an answer to prayer that the family had been in the safety of Brenda's home when their house fell.


Marys home when it collapsed.

Mary and her families temporary home.