At that time I also said to the people, “Have every man and his helper stay inside Jerusalem at night, so they can serve us as guards by night and as workers by day.” - Nehemiah 4:22
The response of the people to work together in unity, with each one doing their part with single-minded devotion and purpose, was the positioning for the miracle, which transpired when the wall was completed in only 52 days!
Their enemies were afraid and dismayed because they realised that God had miraculously done the work and was with them. (Nehemiah 4)
In the devastating and overwhelming situation of AIDS and poverty in Africa, each person, wherever they live, can play a part in helping to build the wall of protection around these vulnerable children. Each brick built in the wall is a child cared for through local community volunteers who advocate on behalf of the children and provide access to food security, basic health care and education. This is the foundation for the wellbeing of the children, so that they are protected from those who would abuse and take advantage of them.
Behind this wall of protection, the children are free to grow in peace and security into the people that our Father has destined them to become!
Pray that each one of the children will grow in the love of their Heavenly Father. Pray that they would feel secure in knowing that they are loved and accepted. Pray that each person building the wall of protection will have wisdom and discernment. Pray that Christ would remain the foundation.