Day 20 - Children across Zimbabwe (#40Days2024)

Within Zimbabwe, there are 1075 children being loved and cared for. Today, we invite you to pray for children across Zimbabwe:

• “Please pray for our children who have finished grade 7 and will no longer attend secondary school. Please pray that God will open doors for them for vocational education or that they be able to continue with their school education.” (Kupa, Local Leader, Zimbabwe)

Gift* is one of the 1075 children across Zimbabwe. He lives in the community of Sakubva.

In 2023, Care Worker Maria found 13-year-old Gift* and his three siblings alone, in desperate need of food, and caring for their ill grandfather. Their mother, Precious*, had been gone for two weeks looking for odd jobs in the community, desperate to provide for her family. Occasionally, they will receive handouts from the local church that Precious is involved with, but the challenge of paying for the basic necessities remains. Immediately, Gift and his siblings were invited to the Life Centre. Since then, Gift is slowly starting to open up and play with the other children as he learns to trust that he will not be abandoned by the Care Workers.