Day 32 - Children across Malawi (#40Days2024)
Within Malawi, there are 1083 children being loved and cared for. Today, we invite you to pray for children across Malawi:
• Most of our girls drop out of school to enter early marriage. “Pray that they realise the importance of school so that one day they may break the cycle of illiteracy in their families.
• Many of our children come from homes that do not know God but struggle with alcohol and practice traditional beliefs. We pray that they believe the Jesus we know.” (Ivy, Local Leader, Malawi)
• Many of the young boys are taken to traditional “initiation” schools. These can be damaging and leave them struggling to adjust back to life with their families. Please pray for them, that God will make a way.
Wilson* is one of the 1083 children across Malawi. He lives in the community of Mchenga.
Many years ago, 12-year-old Wilson’s* father left him, his mother and two siblings to get remarried. Sadly, he is no longer involved in their lives. Without the support of his father, the burden of providing for the family has fallen to Wilson’s mother, who struggles with the weight of this huge responsibility.
Katunga is a local Care Worker from the Mchenga CBO who stays in the same area of the community as Wilson and his family. Seeing the family struggle to find food and the other basic necessities, he knew that he couldn’t sit back and do nothing. Sharing the situation with the other Care Workers, Wilson and his siblings were invited to the Care Point to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually cared for. The love and care that the Care Workers pour out to the children extends to their mother as well. Katunga, regularly visits the family in their home and is a source of love and encouragement to Wilson and his mother.