Within Zimbabwe, there are five communities being supported and cared for:
Chinyausunzi, Masasi A, Masasi B, Sakubva (supported by the Mutare Service Centre)
Tsatse (supported by the Honde Valley Service Centre)
Today we invite you to pray for the challenges that exist across all communities:
• “Let's pray for all our church leaders across Zimbabwean communities to involve themselves much at the Care Points. Most of them they were coming regularly in first days just after we had casted the vision to them. So, pray for them to be committed to God's work since it is theirs.
• Pray for our communities, especially in regards to the health sectors. Our public hospitals have no medication which causes people to go for private ones which are very expensive for the ordinary families. This is tough to those people which do not have money, they are not able to access the health facilities.
• Pray for Zimbabwean communities as some of the organisations which were playing a vital role in the nation like USAID have been immediately called to stop. This will bring a great trouble for our communities because poverty always result in property vandalism and theft.” – Jane, Service Centre Coordinator (Zimbabwe)
To learn more about Zimbabwe, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https://www.handsatwork.org/zimbabwe-links