Praying for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Malawi
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. - Hebrews 4:12
A huge challenge in the DRC is the cost of school fees. Pray for open doors for our children to attend school and for the local Hands at Work teams in the DRC as they support their children in this area.
The local Hands at Work teams in the DRC want to help our youth grow in skills like gardening and construction, recognising that these skills will be beneficial in the future. Currently, plans are being made to start discipleship programmes to teach these skills and also share about the heart of Christ. Care Workers who are skilled in gardening and construction will be involved in these projects. Additionally, this year, there have been Maranatha Workshops for the youth in Luhonga, Buhimba and Kambove communities with the purpose being to share about the ‘Jesus We Know’ and what it means to grow into a healthy adult. Pray for the seeds that were planted during these workshops to bear fruit and pray for continued spiritual growth and an eagerness to serve their community.
In Malawi, many families struggle to see the importance of their children receiving an education and, in some cases, take them out of school so that they can help their families work in the fields to earn a living. When children are able to attend school, they often have to walk a long way and, in many situations, on an empty stomach. Just a few weeks ago, schools reopened in Malawi for the first time since they closed in 2020. Pray for the most vulnerable families as they hear from the local Hands at Work team in Dedza the importance of their children receiving an education. Pray that they will have receptive hearts. Pray for the children to be safe as they walk to school, and that they will have strength and endurance.
Understanding the importance of the healthy growth and development of the most vulnerable children, several Care Points in Malawi have under-fives programmes. Here, children under the age of five receive breakfast and have an opportunity to play with their friends while learning basic things like letters and numbers. Pray for these programmes to continually grow and develop into