Primary Caregiver Support — Prayer Room — Hands at Work in Africa

Primary Caregiver Support

Day 29 - Holy Home Visits

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. – James 1:27

At the core of a Holy Home Visit is what Christ has done for us. We visit because Christ visited us first, and in our state of brokenness and pain accepted us as His children. Pray for each Holy Home Visit to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Ask God to give each person the spiritual eyes to see what is happening beneath the surface. Through these visits, pray that each child and their family will see Christ at work in their lives. Pray for our Care Workers to be bold in sharing the hope of the gospel.

Holy Home Visits are an opportunity for Care Workers to connect and build strong and loving relationships with whole families, as can be seen with Elizabeth’s family.

Having been identified as one of the most vulnerable families in the community of Mwaiseni, Zambia, Elizabeth’s children now attend the Care Point there.

One of Elizabeth's children, Ezra*, was in poor health, but since receiving a hot and nutritious meal daily, his health has started to improve. Ezra still requires regular medical attention, something the Care Workers are committed to providing.

The family are visited in their home by Care Worker Rebecca, who brings support and encouragement. Elizabeth shares, “Rebecca is like a little sister to me in how she cares for Ezra”.
