Sunday Reflections (#40Days2025)
Kupa, Regional Support Team Leader (Zimbabwe) reflects on the role of the International Church and the Local Church working together to care for the most vulnerable:
"I look at it as the international church coming in like Aaron and Hur. When Moses was in battle and as he was getting tired, Aaron and Hur were there to lift up his hands so that he could continue with the battle. So likewise, the international church is there to help lift up the local church, even when they get tired. I'll give an example of when Clinton and Greg from Australia came to Mozambique, they had time as the international church to meet with local pastors and stand with them; supporting, encouraging, and rejuvenating them in the work. So in the same way, that is the major role that the international church plays. I know it’s easy to look at the financial role, which is a huge role, but there is also that encouragement. One thing I've realised is when the international church comes in, it energises and encourages the local church that, you know, someone from outside has come and is loving on our children, is loving on our communities. It gives them a renewed energy to continue soldiering on, to continue pushing and working with our communities, knowing full well that they are not alone in this battle, that they are not alone in this work, that they have the full backing of other churches praying with them and providing for them so that they are able to care for the community well."