Prayer Room — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer

Day 11 – Welcome to Mozambique (#40Days2025)

Day 11 – Welcome to Mozambique

Mozambique is one of eight countries that Hands at Work is serving in across Africa. Mozambique has a population of 34,690,880 people, with 70% of the population living in extreme poverty. Ranking 183 out of 187 on the Human Development Index, 150,000 children are living with HIV/AIDS and 1,300,000 children have been orphaned because of this life-threatening illness. – Sources: UNAID, UNDP, World Poverty Clock

As we start the week, please join us in praying for the country of Mozambique:

“Pray for the country's political situation which is affecting the country's economy. There is no peace, no free movement, no care in hospitals, no schools because there are strikes everywhere - pray for our country so that everything returns to normal.

Pray for the famine that has affected parts of the country due to the drought and the agricultural campaign of the year 2024 that has failed and food is scarce. Pray that God may provide for our country.” – Sandra, Service Centre Coordinator (Mozambique)

To learn more about Mozambique, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https:

Sunday Reflections (#40Days2025)

Kupa, Regional Support Team Leader (Zimbabwe) reflects on the role of the International Church and the Local Church working together to care for the most vulnerable:

"I look at it as the international church coming in like Aaron and Hur. When Moses was in battle and as he was getting tired, Aaron and Hur were there to lift up his hands so that he could continue with the battle. So likewise, the international church is there to help lift up the local church, even when they get tired. I'll give an example of when Clinton and Greg from Australia came to Mozambique, they had time as the international church to meet with local pastors and stand with them; supporting, encouraging, and rejuvenating them in the work. So in the same way, that is the major role that the international church plays. I know it’s easy to look at the financial role, which is a huge role, but there is also that encouragement. One thing I've realised is when the international church comes in, it energises and encourages the local church that, you know, someone from outside has come and is loving on our children, is loving on our communities. It gives them a renewed energy to continue soldiering on, to continue pushing and working with our communities, knowing full well that they are not alone in this battle, that they are not alone in this work, that they have the full backing of other churches praying with them and providing for them so that they are able to care for the community well."

Day 10 – Pray for Our Children in Zimbabwe (#40Days2025)

Within Zimbabwe, there are 370 children being loved and cared for. The Honde Valley and Mutare Service Centres invite you to pray for the children in their region:

• “Stand with us in prayer against early marriage especially in one of our communities, Tsatse. This community is dominated by white robe churches. Most of the time it's difficult to get into their issues because the parents and their churches they support that practice.” – Jane sharing on behalf of the Honde Valley Service Centre team.

• “Pray for our kids to avoid drugs and that God would help them not to be initiated in witchcraft.

• Pray that our kids behave well at the Care Point and at home.

• Pray for our children to accept Jesus.” – John, Service Centre Member (Zimbabwe) sharing on behalf of the Honde Valley Service Centre team.

To learn more about Zimbabwe, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https:

Day 9 – Pray for Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in Zimbabwe (#40Days2025)

Day 9 – Pray for Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, there are 55 Care Workers who have committed to caring for the most vulnerable children. In many communities in Zimbabwe and across Africa, the Care Workers are also the Primary Caregivers of the children they serve. A Primary Caregiver is the mother, father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings or other relatives who live with the children coming to the Care Point.

The Honde Valley and Mutare Service Centres invite you to pray for the Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in their region:

  • “Pray for all our Care Workers as most of them belong to the white robe church and believe in their prophets instead of Jesus. Pray for them to accept Jesus.

  • Secondary school is not possible for most children many reasons in Zimbabwe. For some, this lack of alternatives together with other reasons can lead to risk-taking behaviour like drugs and also being taken advantage of for early marriage. Pray for the Care Workers and Primary Caregivers not to lose heart.” – Priscilla, Service Centre Member (Zimbabwe) sharing on behalf of the Mutare Service Centre team.

  • “Sometimes the Care Workers hesitate to challenge the Primary Caregivers if something wrong happens to the children because they want to protect their relationship. The Primary Caregivers can struggle to open up to the Care Workers. Pray that our Care Workers and Primary Caregivers have a good relationship and build trust.’ – Jane, Service Centre Coordinator (Zimbabwe), sharing on behalf of the Honde Valley Service Centre team.

Day 8 – Pray for Our Communities in Zimbabwe (#40Days2025)

Within Zimbabwe, there are five communities being supported and cared for:

Chinyausunzi, Masasi A, Masasi B, Sakubva (supported by the Mutare Service Centre)

Tsatse (supported by the Honde Valley Service Centre)

Today we invite you to pray for the challenges that exist across all communities:

• “Let's pray for all our church leaders across Zimbabwean communities to involve themselves much at the Care Points. Most of them they were coming regularly in first days just after we had casted the vision to them. So, pray for them to be committed to God's work since it is theirs.

• Pray for our communities, especially in regards to the health sectors. Our public hospitals have no medication which causes people to go for private ones which are very expensive for the ordinary families. This is tough to those people which do not have money, they are not able to access the health facilities.

• Pray for Zimbabwean communities as some of the organisations which were playing a vital role in the nation like USAID have been immediately called to stop. This will bring a great trouble for our communities because poverty always result in property vandalism and theft.” – Jane, Service Centre Coordinator (Zimbabwe)

To learn more about Zimbabwe, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https:

Day 7 – Pray for Our Partners (#40Days2025)

Day 7 – Pray for Our Partners

Across the world, Hands at Work has dedicated partners from the International Church, who are committed to seeing the mission and vision of Hands at Work grow and flourish.

Today, we invite you to pray for the partners who are supporting the work in Zimbabwe:

  • “We praise you Almighty God for each of our faithful partners across the world, who are steadfastly committed to care for the most vulnerable children in communities across Zimbabwe. We lift them up to you as they advocate and are a voice for these children who have no voice and we ask for your continued provision. As our partners join Hands at Work to arise and build the wall so that the children will no longer be vulnerable, may you strengthen their hands for this good work as you did in Nehemiah 2:18. We pray for your blessing to be upon them as they serve you in their own communities and may they also care for the most vulnerable around them.” – Rachel McLaughlin, International Office Volunteer (Australia)

  • Pray that international team members and visitors encounter God’s heart among the vulnerable, encourage the work of the local teams on the ground, and further the goals of the partnership between the local and international Church and stir up momentum to further the partnership.” – Suzette Tay Lee, International Office Volunteer (US)

To learn more about Zimbabwe, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https: