Day 38 - Children across the Democratic Republic of Congo
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.- Psalm 68:5-6
Within the Democratic Republic of Congo, there are 1,265 children being loved and cared for. Today, we invite you to pray for children across the Democratic Republic of Congo:
• “Pray for peace in our communities in Katembe and Luhonga, and that our children can return to school.
• Pray for our youth to understand the voice of God and to follow the right way of Jesus. We need God’s protection from the enemy’s temptation.” (Bindu, Local Leader, DRC)
• Pray for our secondary school children who are struggling. “Pray that the Lord will protect them from going astray.” (Erick, Regional Support Team Leader, DRC)
Gilbert* is one of the 1,265 children across the Democratic Republic of Congo. He lives in the community of Kitabataba.
Gilbert* is 11 years old and is the middle child. He has an older sister (12) and a little brother (8). Seven years ago, Gilbert’s father died due to an unknown illness. Out of his mother’s grief and pain, she left her children in the care of her late husband's mother, Maman Phoebe*. She, herself, carried scars of having been widowed, and she didn’t know how she would provide for her three grandchildren. Maman Phoebe brought the children to the city of Likasi and a family member helped them find a home in Kitabataba where they could settle. But life continued to be difficult as Gilbert became sick with meningitis, which stunted his growth. But Maman Augustine, a faithful Care Worker, sees her responsibility not just to Gilbert, but to his family as a whole. She likes to visit Maman Phoebe and the children in their small home and encourage them with the hope of Christ.