Statement of Faith
We believe that:
- Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to Earth and was born of a virgin
- Jesus Christ was crucified and died in our place as the once and for all sacrifice for our sin, rose from the dead and ascended back into Heaven
- God freely forgives and accepts as his own those who confess their sin and accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord
- the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired, infallible word of God, revealing God’s character and will for our lives
- the Scriptures contain God’s plan for the world, and we shall defend, proclaim and embody it by the way we live our lives and in our example to others, thereby making the principles of the Kingdom of God our first priority
- it is our Biblical mandate to care for the widow, orphan, sick and dying, and those who are deprived of justice, dignity, food, education and health care
- the proclamation of God’s Kingdom of justice and peace demands the denunciation of all injustice and oppression, both personal and structural
- constant prayer and the power and release of the Holy Spirit in our lives are essential in our relationship with God as powerful weapons against the principalities and powers of evil, which seek to destroy our work
- we who claim to be Christians must transcend the barriers of race, gender and class
- the gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to all Christians in order to empower and equip them to fulfil the will of God in their lives