A Piece of Cake

A bake sale is a great way to raise funds and awareness for Hands at Work, as shown here by the team from Woodlands Church in Bristol, who will be heading out to visit their partner community, Houtbos (which aptly translates to Wood Forest) in South Africa, later this month.

With delicious treats-a-plenty, the team set up their stall between two Sunday services. By the end, every cake had been sold, raising over £2,000!

The team has also been holding Home Group chilli nights, an Easter egg hunt and a quiz night. Not only have these been great opportunities to fundraise and have a lot of fun, but they’ve also been places to spread the word of Hands at Work and advocate for the children supported through the partnership.

If you have a fundraising story to share, please email info@uk.handsatwork.org.