In the last few weeks we have received some videos of the first fruits from these labours! It is wonderful to see what this amazing group of hard-working women and men have achieved. So when Hands at Work UK was asked recently to help raise funds to enable this community to build resilience during the Covid crisis, we really wanted to support their endeavours, and doing a sponsored walk seemed the natural response! From the 5th–8th October I walked the Northumberland Coast Path.
The Northumberland Coast Path
I rather cautiously set the target at £500 and by the end of the walk had raised nearly £3,000. What has been exciting is that money has continued to come in. With more sponsorship and some separate gifts, the amount raised for Miswa is now over £4,000.
Yet in 1939 it had been identified as a prime invasion location for the Nazis. There were the remains of gun emplacements trained on the beach further up the coast and anti-tank obstacles scattered along the shoreline like the teeth of some fossilised remains of some long-slain monster. Difficult to imagine all of that now but it became a sustaining reminder of the promise in St. John’s Gospel that the darkness does not overcome.
Many of those who gave towards ‘Miles for Miswa’ did so anonymously. If that includes you, thank you for your support for this amazing community.”
David Newsome