Man of the House

Sakubva, Zimbabwe

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At just four years of age, Gideon became an orphan, losing both his mother and father after they had suffered from long illnesses. Now Gideon is 13 years old and stays with his 15-year-old sister, Thandiwe, and his elderly grandmother, gogo Jessica. Gideon has become the man of the house. Not only is he responsible for doing all the household chores with his sister, he must care for his frail grandmother. He also bears the weight of responsibility to find work and give his family a daily chance of having food on the table. When Gideon is unable to secure work, his only other option is to beg for money.

In Sakubva, Gideon and his family stay in a small, one roomed house which they share with another family. The one room is simply separated by a curtain to di­vide the already small space for the two families. It is in this very small space that Gideon, his sister and his grandmother share one mat on the floor to sleep.

In 2011, Care Workers from Sakubva Christian Caring Trust first heard about Gideon and his family from a neighbour when they were out doing their daily home visits. Gideon has since been attending the Care Centre from Monday to Friday each week where he now receives one hot meal daily and health care assessments from the Care Workers.

The Care Centre also gives Gideon the opportunity to forget his responsibilities for a few hours each day and just play with his friends. Longina, Gideon’s Care Worker, visits Gideon and gogo Jessica in their home to help with chores but mostly to encourage and pray with the family. Longina has shared the love and hope of Jesus with this family so they feel com­fort, knowing there is a God in heaven who cares for them. Gideon is now in grade 5 at school and he enjoys reading English books. He also looks forward to spending time at the Care Centre playing soccer, his favourite game! Although life is still challenging for Gideon, he no longer has to bear all his responsibilities alone.