Peter visiting Care Workers in Mozambique
At Hands at Work Christian Ministry in Africa we are blessed to hear testimonies from visitors who have come to Africa to experience what God is doing. Their stories tell a transformation of not only what they have seen in the lives of those they meet here, but in their own hearts and lives. These stories of everyday people who meet Jesus in the faces of the most vulnerable, for even a short period of time, tells of God’s great desire to change us so we will never be the same.
Peter with a local volunteer Care Worker in Swaziland
“Perhaps the greatest burden on my heart since spending two weeks in Africa is to live a life marked by grace and servanthood. I saw true righteousness (servanthood) being lived out by God's people, as described in Isaiah 58. Followers of Christ, who have absolutely nothing by the world's standards, were joyfully pouring themselves out for the sake of serving others and glorifying God. The reality is, apart from Christ, I am just like everyone else on the planet - seeking my own pleasure, as opposed to truly loving God and my neighbour. What a beautiful collision however when God's people, in joyful obedience to Jesus, pour themselves out as light in a dark world.
I've come to realise in a more profound sense than ever, that true beauty and joy is where Christ is manifested. Even in the saddest of circumstances, I saw the sick, poor, and dying, responding to the Spirit of God and filled with joy. Oh that the light and love of Christ would shine and fill this world more and more - from the laboratory that I spend much of my days in, to the most remote hut in the hill country of Swaziland!”
-Peter Steen | Chemist - Minneapolis, USA