Hope for a Bright Future!

When Nicholas* was just five years old, both of his parents tragically died in the same year, leaving him in the care of an uncle. His uncle was emotionally and physically abusive but with no one else to turn to, Nicholas was trapped in his home. His uncle refused to pay school fees so Nicholas was unable to attend school. Nicholas’ Aunt Mildred* visited the family and was appalled by Nicholas’ physical and emotional state. Even though she struggled to support herself, she knew she had to get Nicholas away from his uncle to save his life. She took him to live with her in Mutare. Mildred did her best to support her nephew with his basic needs, but daily survival was a struggle. Still unable to attend school, Nicholas knew he was missing out on an important part of his life.

When Sarah, a Care Worker from Sakubva Community Based Organisation (CBO), was visiting other children in their community, she met Nicholas and Mildred selling firewood on the side of the road. She began to ask them questions and soon learned Nicholas story. Sarah knew Nicholas was amongst the most vulnerable children in their community and shared his story with her fellow volunteer Care Workers, and they committed to caring for this young boy. Nicholas began attending the Sakubva CBO where he receives a hot meal each day and access to basic health care needs. Sarah visits Nicholas and Mildred on a weekly basis, bringing the love of Christ and sharing with them the word of God. Mildred finds comfort in knowing Nicholas’ physical, emotional and spiritual needs are being cared for. She has found companionship with Sarah and the other Care Workers and knows she is not longer alone in caring for her nephew.

Last year at the age of 13 Nicholas began attending school. Despite being more than double the age of all the children in his preschool class, he was determined to excel and gain the education he had been denied his whole life. When Sarah and his teacher shared with him he was able to move from preschool to primary school he could not contain his joy! This year, Nicholas has officially been enrolled in Sakubva’s primary school. He never dreamed he would have this opportunity! Nicholas still has a long road ahead of him but with the love and support of Mildred, Sarah, and the other Care Workers he has hope for a bright future.