Children Living in Vulnerable Areas — Hands at Work in Africa

Children Living in Vulnerable Areas

This week please pray for:

GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Many children have  lost their entire families in war torn Congo in attacks by rebels over a long period and are left in an extremely vulnerable situation.

  • Please pray that they will find a safe place to stay. For Christ’s body in the community to bring the love of Christ to heal the deep wounds of their hearts.
  • Pray for the families of Buhimba community near Goma who do not have safe access to water. Children have to walk over a small mountain to fetch water from Lake Kivu and then carry it on their backs in containers that are tied to their heads.

OSHOEK, South Africa

A poor rural area on the border of South Africa and Swaziland where HANDSATWORK in Africa is currently doing foundational training .

  • Pray for the training and travelling mercies for Hands Volunteers. 

Thank you. Be blessed.

