40 Days of Prayer 2013 — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer 2013

Prayer for Africa’s Orphaned
Play your part to bring hope

February 20th to Sunday March 31st

Join our worldwide community as we pray together for 40 days and 40 prayer points.  As the international Hands at Work family, we will pray for the vulnerable children of Africa and ask God to reveal His heart for the poorest of the poor. Through each prayer point, we will ask God to remind us of not only the external challenges our children face, but the inner wounds that they live with every day.  As we ask Him to heal their wounds, we pray He will break our hearts. We know that as we seek God in serving the most vulnerable, we will be blessed with a fresh understanding of His heart. 

Download the 40 Days 2013 Prayer Guide

Check our Prayer Room daily for additional content on each prayer item.

Join us and unite in global prayer to be a voice for the voiceless.
