We are called to be a channel through which God’s love flows. — Hands at Work in Africa

We are called to be a channel through which God’s love flows.

Greetings in. Jesus’ Name.
                         Seek the Lord while He may be found,
                                  call upon Him while He is near.
                                          Isaiah 55 : 6
Let us pray that this year we humble ourselves before God,
that  God will become more and we will become less.
Nobody can grow spiritually without a continually developing prayer life.
We are called to be a channel through which God’s love flows.
Please pray that Hands at Work will build deeper relationships with
the vulnerable children to enable them to feel secure and loved.
Please pray that churches will continue to support Hands at Work's vision to care for the most vulnerable in Africa.
We are grateful for all who faithfully intercede for Hands at Work.
