40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 17 — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 17

Week 3 - The Church Around the World

In a world where we constantly see sadness and tragedy, pray for God to give the body of Christ hope in His power to make all things new, and faith that He can work through us to serve those who suffer. Pray for the salvation of people in your life who do not know Christ. Ask God to build His Kingdom.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the hope we have in you, 
Thank you that even in the darkest of places or weakest of people, you are there
Even in sadness and tragedy your hope allows us to stand confidently, for we know that you have the power to make all things new
We stand in faith today, believing that no situation is too hopeless for you, for you bring hope to the hopeless. 
Heavenly Father, we pray that as you desire to use each one of us, we, as the body of Christ would open our hearts to be used by you 
Allow us, the church, to be an open vessel for you to work through and teach us how to be your hands and feet to the suffering. 
Strengthen us. Mould us. Transform us. 
Father, we ask you to build your Kingdom on this earth
Touch the hearts of each person who does not know your goodness and bring salvation to the lost!
Shine your light in this world; bring your hope, your peace and your love,
Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
