40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 28 — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 28

Week 5 - Hands at Work around the World

Pray for a Christ-centred community to be created among the volunteers in each international country. As they seek to live out the same vision and values as those who are serving in Africa, ask God to bind them in support and love for one another, especially across great distances. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among them in significant ways in the time they do have together. 


Many of our volunteers from the USA: Brooke, Lauren, Meg, Michelle T, Sara, Suzette, Michelle C

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit - Ephesians 2:21-22 (NIV)