Prayer Requests - July 2014 — Hands at Work in Africa

Prayer Requests - July 2014

Greetings to our faithful prayer warriors,

Trust in the Lord with thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths.
- Proverbs 3:5-6

Please pray for:

ZAMBIA – Kachele Village

Local and international volunteers work together to support different areas of our work across Africa. Please pray for the many teams in Zambia who work and live together at Kachele Village:

Please pray that those responsible for hospitality and accommodation will have the capacity to serve international teams with excellence. Ask God for his help to keep Kachele Village running smoothly and flourishing as a place for teams and volunteers to visit, stay and live. Please pray for the safety and protection of the maintenance and construction teams as they work, and ask God to make more workers available.
Please pray for the teams supporting Kids Camps, Church Mobilisation, Community Gardens, Community Home Repairs and Community Schools. Pray for unity among the team and for them to work effectively. Ask God to help them encourage and challenge each other and keep one another accountable. Pray for capacity to be built into all these individuals, increasing their ability to plan.
Please pray for the team supporting our local offices and leaders to know how to prioritise and focus on the important needs of the 60+ projects across Zambia. Pray they will have guidance in knowing how to assess the capacity, commitment and ownership of each local office (Service Centre) so they can serve more effectively.  

Be blessed in Jesus’ name,
