40 Days of Prayer - Day 19 — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer - Day 19

Point your kids in the right direction—when they’re old they won’t be lost - Proverbs 22:6 (MSG) 

Children learning in Zambia

Children learning in Zambia

Children having access to education is part of the Hands at Work vision to provide holistic care. We dream of seeing the most vulnerable children grow up to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy adults and education is an essential part of their growth. 

Children at school in Malawi

Children at school in Malawi

Across Africa, Care Workers ensure children have uniforms, are able to pay school fees, and can access local community or government schools. 

Many grades are taught, separated by chalkboards, in Nigeria

Many grades are taught, separated by chalkboards, in Nigeria

Pray for Care Workers as they assess each child’s individual need. Pray for the teachers who invest many hours of time into our children; ask God to guide them in pointing each child in the right direction.

A classroom in Zambia

A classroom in Zambia

Read the story of a young girl and her teacher in an urban slum in Zambia.