40 Days of Prayer - Day 31 — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer - Day 31

He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds - Psalm 147:3 (NLT)

Ask God to bring this verse to life among the broken people you know by name. Yourself, your family members, a Care Worker, Innocent and John who’s story we have been reading – anyone who you know needs the healing love of God that only Christ can bring into their lives. The most broken people can sometimes be the most difficult people to pray for. Do not forget those who you may feel have wronged you, or who you know have brought pain and abuse to others.

When you pray for vulnerable children you know, by name, who do you pray for? Leave a comment with the name of a child – from Africa or around the world - so we can all lift up the names of God’s beautiful children in prayer. For the protection of each child, please only reveal their name and the country they are from.