Pray with us for the Drought Crisis
"All they asked was that they should continue to remember
the poor, the very thing I was eager to do."
– Galatians 2:10
Greeting’s in the Name of Jesus
Pray with us for the Drought Crisis
Pray for wisdom for the Regional Support Teams and local offices across Africa as they continue to assess the unique vulnerabilities in each community we work in. Pray for guidance as they discern how we can best respond to support our children and the wider community.
Each child we care for is already vulnerable. The drought resulting in lack of water and rising food prices adds another layer of vulnerability to them and their family. Pray for a child you know by name and for the others who are cared for in their community.
Pray for the International church to respond as we continue to seek resources for our Drought Relief efforts as well as maintaining the essential daily support we are already providing for the children.
Many of our children in our Oshoek and Swaziland Communities are walking long distances to school without any food or water. For those who are on ARV’s (life-sustaining medication for HIV) this is increasingly dangerous to their health. As Hands at Work seeks to provide nutritional supplements for these children, pray we find a product that will meet the needs of our children.
Pray for unseasonable rain! In Zimbabwe, seeds have been given to our Primary Care Givers, in hopes they will be able to grow seasonal vegetables to help lift the burden of the food crisis. Pray that they will yield a crop.
Pray for Kachele Community in Zambia as the drought and low water levels have caused drastic power issues. Often going full days without power, pray that we are able to continue with our work. Many people will visit Kachele in the coming month. Pray for understanding and personal convictions as people understand the realities we are facing.
For the most up-to-date information on Hands at Work’s response to the Drought Crisis visit
Rich Blessings