Praying for the Democratic Republic of Congo — Hands at Work in Africa

Praying for the Democratic Republic of Congo

It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. – Deuteronomy 13:4

Today we invite you to join us in praying for the local Hands at Work team in Likasi, as it serves 750 of the most vulnerable children across five communities. 

For a long time, Erick and Angel, the coordinators of the Likasi team, have desired to grow their team of people committed to serving the most vulnerable. They are currently walking with and investing into two individuals, discerning who will be the right fit for the team. Ask God to give Erick and Angel wisdom and discernment in this process, and that He will bring the right people to their team, people who have hearts of grace and compassion and a desire to serve the most vulnerable.

Praise God for the land that we received in Buhimba Community, which will serve as the Care Point for the children. Pray for a smooth process as we seek to formally secure the land. Pray for the Care Point to be a place of safety, where the love of Jesus is experienced.  

Recently, there have been a few challenges in Toyota Community and there is a desperate need to mobilise new Care Workers. Pray for the Likasi team to have wisdom and discernment as it addresses the challenges and pray that God will speak into the hearts of potential Care Workers who have the desire to serve.