Praying for the local Hands at Work team in Kabwe — Hands at Work in Africa

Praying for the local Hands at Work team in Kabwe

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. - James 1:5 

Today we invite you to join us in praying for the local Hands at Work team in Kabwe, Zambia, who serve 860 of the most vulnerable children. 

Within the communities that the Kabwe team serves are a number of children facing challenging circumstances, each requiring different responses. Please pray for the Kabwe team as it follows up each situation, that God will give wisdom, discernment and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to know how to respond. Pray for each child to receive the care that they desperately need.  

Hands at Work is committed to building into the lives of our youth through intentional times of connection, by teaching them skills and speaking the truth of the gospel and how it can impact their lives.  Please pray for the upcoming construction of the Chisamba Life Centre, as the youth will be involved in this. Pray that the time the Care Workers and Kabwe team will be spending with the youth will be fruitful and will bring spiritual and emotional support and encouragement. Pray for a spirit of unity as they work together. This is the first project in which the youth will be involved, and could have the potential to be replicated in other communities across Africa. 

In this season in Zambia, when the rains haven’t yet started, people are desperately struggling to survive and make it through, particularly in the communities of Miswa, Baraka and Susu. Pray for the most vulnerable families, that God will provide for them and see them through to the harvest in early 2021. 

Pray for the Kabwe team to continue to grow in its daily rhythms and, as they run towards problems, ask God to give each member of the team wisdom and discernment.