Day 12 - Meet the Luanshya and Kitwe Service Centers (#40Days2024) — Hands at Work in Africa

Day 12 - Meet the Luanshya and Kitwe Service Centers (#40Days2024)

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip - he who watches over you will not slumber. - Psalm 121:2-3

Across Africa, Hands at Work has local teams comprising of Christian men and women who have answered God’s calling on their lives to serve the most vulnerable. Each of these teams exists to encourage, challenge and support local volunteer Care Workers as they care for the most vulnerable children in the most broken and desperate communities across Africa. We call these teams Service Centres.

In the Luanshya Service Centre are: Belita, Mavis, Quinn and Sylvia. They serve eight of the most vulnerable communities across Africa.

• “Katetaula is one community where there is a spiritual struggle. There was a church, but it is no longer in operation because no one was going there. Pray for us to have guidance on how we can work with the leadership of the community so that there can be a church in that community. If there is no church in Katetaula, it is not healthy for the children because they need to know Jesus, and only hearing it at the Care Point is not enough.” (Sylvia, Local Leader, Zambia)

In the Kitwe Service Centre are: Clara, Cosmas and Emeldah. They serve seven of the most vulnerable communities across Africa.

• Ask God to give discernment to the team as they address the many health challenges that the children are facing in the community. Pray for the team as they implement what they learned about supporting the Primary Caregivers at our annual meeting in Zambia. “We want to ‘walk in Shema obedience’ (hear to do)”. (Haggai, Regional Support Team, Zambia)