Day 13 - Meet the Chisamba and Kabwe Service Centres (#40Days2024) — Hands at Work in Africa

Day 13 - Meet the Chisamba and Kabwe Service Centres (#40Days2024)

And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good? - Deuteronomy 10:12-13

Across Africa, Hands at Work has local teams comprising of Christian men and women who have answered God’s calling on their lives to serve the most vulnerable. Each of these teams exists to encourage, challenge and support local volunteer Care Workers as they care for the most vulnerable children in the most broken and desperate communities across Africa. We call these teams Service Centres.

In the Chisamba Service Centre are: Cecelia, Bukisan, Niza and Victor. They serve four of the most vulnerable communities across Africa.

• “Pray for us to walk humbly with God because it’s not enough to simply follow the rules or do what we think is right, rather it requires us to put ourselves in positions where we are constantly asking God for guidance on how best to interact with others especially our children, Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in our communities.

• Ask God to give us strength and wisdom as we want to reach out to the Primary Caregivers to bring Jesus into their lives because they are the ones who spend more time with our children.” (Cecelia, Local Leader, Zambia)

In the Kabwe Service Centre are: Belindah, Lewis, Monica, Ruth and Stephen. They serve six of the most vulnerable communities across Africa.

• “We pray for unity and oneness as a Service Centre.

• We pray for God’s guidance, wisdom and direction as we support our communities.

• Pray for us as a team that we walk with integrity.

• Pray for our own families, that God should continue protecting them.” (Lewis, Local Leader, Zambia)