US — Prayer Room — Hands at Work in Africa


Prayer for George

Hello prayer advocates!

Thank you again for your continued prayers for us. If you've been following along in our newsroom you've seen that George Snyman has been traveling the last couple of weeks in the UK and has just landed in North America for another month of visiting, encouraging, and challenging individuals, churches and groups with the message God has laid on his heart.

Please stand with us in prayer:

  • for those that George has already met and spoke with, especially in the United Kingdom, that the words he spoke will fall on fertile hearts, ready to receive, and that the message won't be choked out by the cares and troubles of this world (Luke 8:4-15)
  • for his health and continued stamina; for a fresh wind of your spirit to blow over him each day giving him strength and enthusiasm during these days of back to back meetings and speaking events.
  • for words that will break down the walls of apathy built around hearts
  • for fresh words to drop in to his spirit for specific people that he's ministering to
  • for favor with those that he is meeting with, that they will know his heart's desire to do the will of God, to care for and love strangers and those in need as Jesus did, and to encourage others to do the same (1 John 3:16-18)