Poorest of the Poor — Prayer Room — Hands at Work in Africa

Poorest of the Poor

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 37

Week 6 - Christ as Our Foundation

Many of our Care Workers are wounded themselves. Pray for God’s transformational mercy and love to heal the inner wounds of our Care Workers. May our Care Workers in turn pour out mercy and love to our kids, and in doing so bring transformation and healing of their wounds. 

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 21

Week 4 - Hands at Work in Africa

Pray in re-commitment to the second half of 40 Days of Prayer. Know that God hears your prayers and He does not require perfect words, just a willing heart. Pray for the outcome of this season of prayer to be a deeper understanding of God’s will and a closer relationship with Him as you commit to conversing with Him daily. 

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 5

Week 1 - Serving the Most Vulnerable

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, war has devastated the country. Years of rebel attacks have left children as refugees in their own country. Recently peace has returned, and the first light of hope is breaking through in a very dark place.