But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. – Isaiah 43:1
30 years ago, God called George and Carolyn Snyman, co-founders of Hands at Work, out of their ordinary lives and into the unknown of serving the most vulnerable and knowing them by name. Ten years later, Hands at Work was started. Mwete represents these children. As we begin 40 Days of Prayer, reflect on Mwete’s story and other children who you know by name. Praise God that each child is known by name and has been seen by Care Workers. Pray that they will know God’s love and will experience a sense of belonging and hope for their future.
As the Snyman’s conviction grew, so did their unsettledness. They soon realised that the trajectory of their privileged lives could never accommodate a response to the poor and destitute. “We realised that everything that seemed to give us security, were the very things that kept us away from dealing with the poverty,” George says.
Read more about George and Carolyn's journey that lead them to starting Hands at Work: https: