
Prayer for Zimbabwe

Dear all,

It was an encouraging time when we visited Sakubva and met with some of the care workers there, just the commitment and the way they give themselves in doing the work of God and walking the long miles to visit children and patients. Zimbabwe is a hard place to live in as the country has gone through a rough time, many orphans have been left with no means of getting food or place to sleep, a lot of child headed households and many sick people due to lack of medicine and closed clinics. These care workers are doing a great job and it would be wonderful if we could stand with them in prayer for them and the country.

Please join us this week as we pray for Zimbabwe:

  • Pray for strength for the care workers and all those playing a part in taking care of orphans and widows
  • Pray that God can have mercy and restore what the enemy had stolen from that country
  • Pray that churches can stand together as the Lord requires and as his word says he will heal the nation when his people stand together and call on his name.
  • Pray for the hospitals and clinics to be fully equipped and attend to all patients
  • Pray for the children of Zimbabwe

Thank you for your prayers, God bless


Praying for Orphans

Today, pray specifically for any orphans you may know, by name.  Pray for their health and safety. Pray for their food and shelter. Pray that they will be brought into loving families who will provide for education.
Ask the Lord to help your church family to live out Proverbs 31:8 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” 
Pray to “the Lord of the harvest” (Matt. 9:38) to send laborers to the harvest from your church and community. Ask Him to call Christians to go to the “fields of the fatherless” (Proverbs 23:10) to experience the joy of caring for orphans as we are commanded in Isaiah a:16,17, “Give up your wicked ways. Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Fight for the rights of widows.”
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and undefiled is this.  To care for the orphan and widow in their distress and keep oneself unstained by the world."  James 1:27

Now is Her Time - Prayer for Goma, DRC

George received many scriptures for Goma from around the world with one message. We feel God is asking us to pray NOW for Goma for this is her time. Download Scriptures Here.

Children in streets of burned down village.Hands at Work in Africa founder George Snyman is in Goma, DRC this week. You have heard about Goma: it’s the war-ravaged region in north-eastern DRC where millions have died, suffered mass rapes, and been driven from their homes into refugee camps. The war was recently declared over, and the camps have been closed. People are streaming back to burned and destroyed villages, trying to figure out how to start re-building. This is the time for Hands at Work to get involved. The situation remains unstable; division and suspicion within communities are rife. But we are committed to reaching the poorest of the poor, and right now that’s in Goma. Now is the time to be there. 

Please pray for George. Pray for wisdom, for guidance to find the local people burning with compassion, and for the right village to establish a model of local churches collaborating to serve the most vulnerable orphans and widows with basic care.

Read on...

Bushbuckridge (SA)


  • Pray that the many teams that come through will be impacted and able to contribute to the work on the ground
  • Pray that people overseas are stirred up to contribute financially to the $15 three services fund.
  • Pray that we can proceed faster with the establishment of the Service Center and that things run smoothly
  • Pray for the new bookkeeper that she can learn quickly and that she has a big impact in the communities in building financial capacity
  • Pray that God stirs up a trusted, influential, Godly man in Bushbuckridge with a strong heart for his community to join the vision
  • Pray that God strengthens us and continues giving us His heart in order to continue running the race

Hunger Season (Moz)

Please pray for Mozambique

  • Harvest season to be dryer … too much rain now
  • Harvests to be safe (not stolen as the price is Beira is high for selling) … a scam run by Indians who will sell at triple when times are tough
  • Local alcoholism problems … again, a local company selling small bottles of lethal brew= deprivation, abuse, poverty, death
  • Church to be convicted of “sin, righteousness and judgement” … John 16:8
  • Encouragement for volunteers working in Christian Community Based Organizations… both leadership and body
  • National Government :
  • Fear of the Lord
  • Righteousness and wisdom
  • Caring for their people
  • Upgrading education
  • Releasing / accepting women as different but equal
  • Standing against harmful cultural practices


Expanding the Work in Zambia



  • The Luanshya team is casting vision in 14 new communities in 2009. Please pray that God will connect the team to the right people, people with servant hearts in each community, and that because of this, many more orphaned and vulnerable children will receive home visits from community volunteers who can love and care for them.
  • The Luanshya team recently moved into a new office. Please pray that the infrastructure can be put into place to improve communication and make a place where the staff is bettered with a healthy environment.


  • Kabwe service center will be hiring an administrator in June 2009, pray that God brings the right person to join the team.
  • The service center is in desperate need of a vehicle, please pray that we can find a reliable vehicle for a good price and that the money will be enough.
  • Kabwe service center is also hosting four teams in June and July 2009. Please pray for their safety and for God to reveal himself in a new way in their time in Kabwe.


  •  The development of an agricultural project to support feeding OVC.
  •  And also the mobilization of people in the village of Manjanja to care for the vulnerable in their community.